Talk with the world

Achieve your learning goals with our excellent teachers, professional teaching

methods and the latest and most practical self-developed teaching materials.

Oral Korean Business Korean TOPIK Corporate Training

Basic Oral Korean Course

basic spoken korean class


Master Pronunciation Class

Oral Korean Level 1

Oral Korean Level 2

Oral Korean Level 3

Oral Korean Level 4

Oral Korean Level 5

Oral Korean Level 6

Business Korean Course

Business Korean course

Practical business korean

practical business korean

Co talk has established long-term course partnerships with over ten well-known Chinese/foreign companies and a university, dispatching professional, qualified, and experienced Korean language teachers with extensive experience in corporate language training.


Topik Exam Preparation Training Course

topik test preparation course

High frequency vocabulary, required grammar, simulation of real questions, answering skills, and accurate scoring!


TOPIK1 level

Mastering basic everyday language

Ability to understand and write practical short sentences related to daily life


TOPIK Level 2

Simple Korean daily communication

Understand short articles related to common daily themes

Distinguish and use honorific and non honorific language in different situations


TOPIK Level 3

Have a good grasp of daily life conversations

Ability to understand and distinguish between written and spoken language

Be able to write more short articles related to familiar social topics


TOPIK Level 4

Able to engage in foundational conversations in daily work

Understand relatively simple news

Ability to understand and express social and abstract topics, preparing for undergraduate studies


TOPIK Level 5

To be able to master professional research and essential conversations for work to a certain extent

Be able to understand and express abstract topics such as politics, economy, society, and culture. Preparing for graduate study abroad and employment


TOPIK Level 6

Able to accurately grasp professional research and work terminology

Proficient in using Korean and able to express one's opinions correctly and fluently

More favorable for studying and working in South Korea

korean business cooperation course

korean business cooperation course

Free Trial Class

Free Trial Class

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