Talk with the world

Achieve your learning goals with our excellent teachers, professional teaching

methods and the latest and most practical self-developed teaching materials.

Oral English Business Class IELTS And TOEFL Corporate Training

Full Level English Courses

Full Level English Courses

About CO-TALK English Course

Our English course focuses on contemporary life and speaking.
If students want to train their confidence in speaking in front of others, we can help them improve by providing group discussion courses. Our goal is to encourage all students to actively participate among their classmates.

CO-TALK one-stop service

Focusing on improving English fluency in daily conversations


Words and phrases

Words and phrases for greeting, questioning, expressing emotions and feelings


Reading and writing articles

Reading and writing articles related to culture, art, sports, and hobbies


Oral Practice

Oral practice on favorite artworks, food, transportation, and living environment


Grammar usage and pronunciation

Grammar usage and pronunciation based on different terms and situations

Oral class

Oral class

Comprehensively enhance your listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities, strengthen authentic oral expression, and conduct practical life scenario simulation training, allowing you to confidently speak English anytime, anywhere!




Business class

business class

Business English classes are tailored for people who need to use English in the business world, especially those who need to participate in business activities abroad. An efficient learning course tailored for professionals who need to quickly master Engl


business class

Fearless of TOEFL exam! Quickly grasp the thinking of the question setter, cultivate problem-solving ideas, consolidate strengths, improve weaknesses, efficiently prepare for exams, and help you pass! Fearless of IELTS exam! Quickly grasp the thinking of

Corporate Business

corporate business

There are also English courses specifically designed for the company's business purposes. This is a course taught by a group of business personnel from the company as a team, with Co talk visiting the company and teaching appropriate English content to ac

Free Trial Class

Free Trial Class

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